With Thanksgiving last week there are a lot of good smells that have been coming out of the kitchen. Most of the time we prefer the rest of the house, since it's softer and all our beds and toys are. But we realized that there are a lot of really great things about the kitchen, so we figured that we would do our Thursday Thirteen about our Kitchen.

1. Our Stinky Goodness is kept in the cabinet over the stove (uh oh, looks like we might be running low)
2. Mommy keeps a nice full dish of crunchies right next to the water bowl
3. Our Stinky Goodness bowls are in the kitchen, right next to the crunchies
4. The "Great White Feeding Parent" is there (that's what we call the refrigerator - Jake loves the it more than Mommy some times, he knows that all sorts of good stuff comes out of there)
5. There's a comfy little carpet to sit on and watch Mommy cook
6. If we watch really carefully we see Mommy drop stuff we can sneak in and steal it off the floor (sometimes she drops stuff on purpose too!)
7. Jake likes the butter, if Mommy and Daddy aren't careful to keep it covered he jumps up on the counters in the middle of the night and licks it!

8. Our treat jar is right there on the counter
9. Speaking of treats - Mommy keeps a
huge Tupperware container of special home-grown cat nip in the back of the refrigerator! Jake knows it's there and sometimes tries to crawl in!
10. Cheese, the cheese is kept in the kitchen - and we
love cheese!
11. We have our "Bad Cat of the Day" Calendar
12. The door to the basement is in the kitchen, and that's the way to our litter boxes
13. It's always warm in the evening after Mommy cooks dinner
-Pearl, Bert and Jake