Friday, July 11, 2008

Friends on Friday

Our good friend Skeeter tagged us for a meme, so we thought we'd get it done today.

1. Who would you like to see on a new banknote (dollar bill, etc.)?
Oh - that one's easy, Daddy! Plus, he's already on it, see...

Yep, my Daddy is famous - look for him in wallets everywhere!

2. If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal (or human), what would it be?
Mommy always says she'd like to come back as one of us. And she's right, we've got it pretty great, lots of love and toys and food. So we'd like to come back as ourselves.

3. If you owned your own restaurant, what would you call it?
Well, it's hard to follow Skeeter's name, but we're thinking "Three Kitties Never-Ending Nom-Nom-Nom". Would you kitties eat there?

Um, Jake, don't you think that you should tell your friends that you aren't going to be around for a bit? It's not nice to just disappear.

Oh yeah, yeah, Mommy and Daddy are leaving again, whatever. We're done with all this madness, we're gonna pack up and go somewhere we're appreciated. Any kitty out there need some new siblings?

Jake, we'll only be gone a few days, it's not that big a deal - I think you'll live.

Right Mommy, uh huh.

(Seriously, anyone interested in a litter trained threesome?)

- Jake


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

What a fun meme! :) Sorry to hear your humans are leaving you again.

Anonymous said...

We will miss you. Purrhaps you can use the time to do some really serious napping. We would totally eat at the Three Kitties Never-Ending Nom-Nom-Nom!!

Purrageous Pirates said...

No! They cannot leave you again! That's it! My beautiful Black Pearl, if you want to come and stay with me while they are gone, I will come and get you. We'll take pictures of how much fun you have at our house and use them to guilt your parents into staying home more. And if we get to cuddle in sunbeams and on the big bed, than that's even better!! You can even bring your brothers and Beaux says to be George too - Sir Dante

The Furry Kids said...

You guys are always welcome at our house. George, too!

Love and whiskie kissies to Bert!

Tybalt said...

You can move in with us, Jake!

Great meme. I didn't know your daddy was famous!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we would eat at your restaurant. so, you can move in with us - AFTER the house trashing party there. hee hee

Chance said...

I will hafta ask mai Mommie, but yoo culd all com liv wif Shadow an me. Corse we will need a bigger partment. An yoo will hafta bwing yur own cat trees cuz myn iz jus fur wun an dats not big enuff. Hehehe.


We're gonna miss all three of you...we think that house trashing party every night ought to do the trick about them leaving again anytime soon....


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Momma said we would so eat at that place! Jake, y'all can come here!! Renna is very excited to meet George!! Daddy said he wouldn't mind having some mancats around the house, as he is currently living in a sea of females! ~whisker kisses Queen Snickers

TabbyNormal said...

Hee hee... "seriously" does not describe your dad's face on the bank-note.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Great meme.

You're being abandoned again? Sigh. Jan never leaves. We can't get into any trouble.

Anonymous said...

oooh, we wanna eat at Three Kitties Never-Ending Nom Nom Nom!
if you wanna move in with us, now's a good time. Grr is too sad to be her Grry self on account of the (formerly) Blonde Girl isn't here.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We're a little crowded here, so we home ya find a good home somewhere. But keep yer blog so we can all find ya!

Mr. Hendrix said...

I think it is time for another House Trashing party! whoo hoo!!

Great meme you all. I'm with you, I'd come back as me too...

Mr. Hendrix said...

Sounds like it is time for another House Trashing party! Whoo hoo!

I love your memes. I agree, I'd come back as me too. It is great to have beans who spoil us and love us.

Wow! Your daddy has his own money! Imagine all the treats and toys he can buy you now. Very very cool.

TabbyNormal said...

PS. I have tagged you with the Arte & Pico award!

Mickey's Musings said...

Thank you so much for your birthday wishes!!!
It really made my day awesome :)
Dining at your restaurant would be fun and tastey!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Great meme! I like your daddy money. I wish my mom had a lot of mom money so she would not have to work.

TheSlyCat said...

Hi guys! Feel free to come teleport down here to IL while your Mom is away:) We can have a party. My Mom is working a lot this week, so we'll have the house to ourselves. Have a great Sunday!

jenianddean said...

We would so totally eat at that restaurant.

Southbaygirl said...

We can't believe your humans are leaving AGAIN!!!!! WOW!!

Kodak, WInton and 3 Perf

jenianddean said...

I think your daddy would make a great $5 bill. And you all are always welcome to come and stay here.

Now, Jasper, you know their mommy and daddy would miss them.-JMC's mom

Mom, I just mean for a visit. P,B,
&J ::wink, wink, nod, nod::

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, PB&J, We came by to say thanks for you know what. We'll be posting about it soon.

The Cat Realm said...

We think they have a warped sense of time... We'll miss you but will be there when you're back!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Neat meme! Mom says she is gone to much to have any more kitties live with us. She has to hire a pet sitter for me in all of her travels! Oh no, she leaves again in three weeks!

Thanks for visiting our blog and helping us to rebuild our blog list. We really appreciate it.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Hahahahahaha!!! Dis wouldz be fun to spend dat funny green paper fur sure.
I loved your meme too.
We iz missin' all our frendzez.
Dr Tweety