A while ago the very talented Diamond and her Bean made these really cool digital scrapbook pages for us:

Diamond's Bean is very good at the digital scrapbooking and has done many other kitties and woofies, we're so proud to be part of her amazing artwork!
Also, Criz was kind enough to make this badge for us, just for being worried and purring (well I woofed) for Mama Jessica! We were ever so worried for her (a family needs a Mama), but now she's back and everything is better.

And finally, the superest White Dawg around has tagged me for a meme, here are the rules:
1) Write your own six word memoir.
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
6) Have fun!!
Oh I'm so excited - I've never done a meme, I think - wait what's a meme? Oh right, focus - six words...
I'd like to tag my friends Asta, Hershey & Kaci, Cami and her kitties, Diamond Dog and Diamond Emerald Eyes !
Hi, George, it's nice to hear from you. Those scrapbook pages are really great. Congratulation on your award. I really like your six word memoir.
Wow, that a lotta cool stuff ta happen all at once! Scrapbooks, awards, memes... We loved readin about them all.
Good job on the meme, George. I highly doubt you're a terrier terror, though. :)
Those are great scrapbook pages, too. Tazo is drooling over Bert's. hehe
Happy Friday to you!
PS - Tazo's sending love and whiskie kissies to Bert
Congratulations on the well-deserved awards. Diamond's bean sure did a fine job on those scrapbook pages! They make all 3 of you look your best.
Well, we wanted to say that those are great pictures of all of you but then Dante saw Pearl's page and got all excited and would not let us look at the others. He stared a lot and then fell over and then yelled at us to leave him alone. Last we saw there may have been some drooling going on...
Captain Jack and Fagin
Well hello George!
Great scrapbook pages.
George those scwabook pages awe amazing and vewy bootiful!!!
ANd I want to congwatulate all of you on youw awawd!
Thank you fow tagging me..I'll pwobably do the Meme next week..I loved youw biogwaphy..you awe a tewwiew dawling, not tewwow
smoochie kisses and happy weekend
Bert, I'm on my way over!
Aww, that's such a sweet memoir, George!
That is a very good 6 word MeMe!
That is a really nice scrapbook. Great meme too!
YOU TAGGED ME!?!?!?!?!
I'm so thrilled!
I have to start thinkin' right now!
Diamond Doggy
Oh Jake! Your scrapbook page is BEAUTIFUL!! Even more because you are in it, hehe. :) Oh Renna likes your meme George! ~Purrs Queen Snickers
We like the scrapbook pages. But are you really a terrier terror? Or has someone been calling you names?
I agree!!! Diamond Emerald-Eyes does very nice scrapbook pages!!!!
That was a super meme George, heehee
Purrs Mickey
Hi PB&J,
Mom is out of town running in some sort of race in tennessee. grandpa is taking care of us! So no pictures until mom gets home. hope you have a great weekend!
kodak, Winton and 3 perf
Those scrapbook pages are really neat! And you did an awesome job on the meme, too!
Very good meme George! I don't see you as that much of a terror though. You are too sweet.
Beautiful graphics too.
i tag yoo fur meme.
See here.
Wow those are very nice scrap book pages.
We're so glad we're not the only ones behind in a few things. We have finally posted the book and wish memes you tagged us for.
Those scrapbook pages are really lovely.
furry good job on catchin' ups. We liked da meme too. Dat Titus iz a furry good woofie & frend.
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