8 Random Things Meme
The super Tabby
Abby and
Little Catzee wanted to help with the Week of Pearl, so she tagged me for the 8 Random Things meme! The rules are:
- Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blogpost, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their name.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.
So here it goes:
1. I love to bunny-kick George's toys. I'm not sure if it's the doggy smell or the fact that they are bigger than any of my toys. But it's super fun!
2. Neither rain, nor snow nor dead of night keeps me from wanting to go outside! I really love my home, and I always come back, but I do love to go outside.
3. I won't let George in the dinning room - I whap her until she leaves. It's where we have our beds and our play cubes and our toy basket, so I really don't like it when she's in there.
4. When I go outside, I like to come inside every hour or so to have a snack. And when I come in I don't like to have treats, I prefer my regular crunchies.
5. I like to sleep with my tail wrapped around my Mommy's neck when I sleep behind her on the chair at night.
6. My Mommy and Daddy call me "Pumpkin Nose" - not because it's as big as a pumpkin, but because it's orange like a pumpkin. And after all, I do have very autumnal colors!
7. I don't like to sleep on the big bed, except after breakfast and only if Mommy goes back to bed. Most of the time there's too many folks there (Mommy and Daddy along with Bert and Jake - and George sleeps on the floor).
8. I love to drag my fev-ver wand around the hall and making a hunting howl like I've caught it. But when I really catch something I prefer to eat it rather than bring it home and howl about it!
I'd like to tag my fellow Tough A** Torties!
CottonKC & Faith BooGeorgiaHolly & IvyQueen Snickersand one talented tuxie/house panther
DiamondAnd just so Dante doesn't get too upset, here's a picture of me - beautifully enhanced by the lovely (and so very talented)
Miss Diamond Emerald Eyes!

- Pearl