So I found a cool new spot to hang out - especially when there's a fire to warm up to. There's lots of good sniffs from the wood pile, the bag is pretty cozy, and it's close to the fire which is the best part. Tazo, I think there may be room enough for two here!

Well, there's room enough for two as long as it's not your brother!
- Bert
We got a fireplace too, and it hasn't been used in a couple winters.
We gotta speak ta The Big Thing about that!
What a grand spot to be in! I miss having an open fire.
Whicky Wuudler
That's a great spot!
That looks nice! I can't wait till momma starts up our fire place!
Nose kisses to Jake!! ~Queen Snickers
Yep, anywhere by a toasty warm fire is the purrfect place to nap! Even if you do have to share...
Nothing beats some wood and heat. Great combo!!
That spot looks nice and toasty even if you have to share.
Moe and Carmela
That is a wonderful spot...all warm and cozy...
Ha ha ha! That does look like a great place to hang out and relax.
Mama had to biggify that picture because you looked so cozy warm!
those logs can really be warm but watch out fur those sparks! Meow....Miz Allie Cat
Great warm place to hang out!
A warm place to snuggle...we love those too. But we don't have a fireplace. What is that like?
Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom and Angel Winton
We keep hoping somebuddy will light the fireplace in our house, but so far everybuddy keeps going to bed too early!
I have a fireplace, but mom doesn't use it too often. That looks like a great spot to settle in for the day!
Now dats would be a furry cozy place to curlz up & not move for a few squillion hourz!
Heyyyy i thought it was pearl week... what's going on here?!
Whoa, Bert, that's double awesomeness! A bag AND wood logs to scratch!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Wat iz fireplace? neffur seen one of dem....
We sure wish we had a fireplace here. We have to settle fur sleeping in front of da hot air blower holes. About dat stoopid lady dat sed yoo was fat. Zippy only weighs 6 pounds and da vet keeps telling mom she is to thin! I weigh 11 pounds and Speedy is 18, da vet sez he's a little to fat and needs to lose a couple pounds. Here is da best part, some of da ferals mom haf been dealing with are 12 pounds or better! Dat lady is crazy!
I can't believe I didn't get to visit you yesterday. :( I'm headed over right now!
Love and whiskie kissies,
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