So this was supposed to be a super, all-me kind of day, but I thought we should tell you what happened with our river. Usually we have a peaceful river in our back yard with tons of grass and shrubs and trees - in the summer it's fun to hunt near and in the winter it freezes solid so that beans can skate and ski on it.
But because of the warm weather on Sunday lots of snow melted and the ice on our river broke up, creating a big ice jam at one of the bridges - and that made the already full river come over it's banks to our house. Mommy and Daddy were up all night Sunday and Monday with pumps and sandbags and lots of coffee trying to keep the water from getting in our house! Happily the fire department managed to get the jam cleared and most of the water went away. Not too much water came in the house, but we are going to need a new carpet.
The good news is that if any of you kitties want to come over for a skating party - our back yard is one big skating rink!
- Bert