Monday, February 23, 2009

Tortie Tuesday

Wew - we sure have been busy with the whole Birthday thing lately! But, Bert's lucky - no one ever forgets his birthday :-) Sorry that we were gone yesterday, but Mommy decided to take the day off. And she really took it off - she didn't do much of anything (hee hee, I suppose this probably should be a Tattle Tail Tuesday :-)

The good news is that the talented Zoolatry Human did this for me!

I think it's a wonderful way to celebrate Tortie Tuesday (though come to think of it, maybe I should have saved it for Floofy Friday ;-)!


The Furry Kids said...

That's some serious floof! We're glad that your mommy took a day off. Sometimes they need to do that or they get real cranky. I hope that you got to catch up on some cuddling.

Love and whiskie kissies to Bert,

The Island Cats said...

Whoa! Lotta floof going on there! Hope Bert had a great birthday...and hope your mom did too! Sounds like she did if she took the whole day off!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That's a lovely graphic by zoolatry... but you know she has such great subjects!

meemsnyc said...

that is such a nice graphic from Zoolatry! They are so great!